The Story of the Brooklyn Women's Exchange
The Brooklyn Women’s Exchange is the result of a merger of two of the oldest charitable organizations of Brooklyn; the Brooklyn Female Employment Society and the Women’s Work Exchange. The earliest was the Brooklyn Female Employment Society, founded in 1854. This organization provided women with income from sewing garments destined for charitable organizations. During the Civil War, the Society produced shirts and bedrolls for the Union Army. The demand for products was so great that in 1866 a school of needlework opened for girls and young women. The Society had no religious affiliation and was funded by donations. Their mission was to provide women and girls with the means to make a living.
The Women’s Work Exchange was founded in 1888 and merged with the Decorative Art Society soon after. This organization exclusively sold articles made by women who could not seek work outside the home.
In 1923, the two organizations merged to form the Needlework Society and Exchange with premises at 155 Pierrepont Street. In 1936, the combined Needlework Society and Exchange became the Brooklyn Women’s Exchange.
The Society moved to 36 Montague Street in 1953 where the shop flourished until the building was sold in 1980. Their new home at 55 Pierrepont Street served the Society for more than forty years until it moved into its present location at 137 Montague Street in 2022.
The Brooklyn Women's Exchange is a member of the National Federation of Women's Exchanges.

An integral part of the Brooklyn Heights neighborhood, the shop brings a modern link to a bygone retail experience by offering one-of-a-kind items and personalized service.
In addition to buying our beautiful hand-crafted items, you can support our mission by donating directly. When you give to the BWE, you help nurture the creative efforts of 250 talented crafters working throughout the United States. Help us continue this important work into the future!
The Brooklyn Women’s Exchange is dedicated to helping talented people by displaying and selling their original creations. We return 70% of the retail price to the artist. In accordance with the original mission of the Brooklyn Women’s Exchange, potential consignors must represent one of the following groups: the elderly, the handicapped, the financially needy, and those that further American crafts movement.
If you are interested in placing your work in our shop, please download and send us the application form below with a description of your work, suggested retail price and, if possible, photographs. If email is not practical, you may mail photos or a sample.
Information about the consignment process
Download the application to become a consignor
The Brooklyn Women’s Exchange
137 Montague Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
The Brooklyn Women’s Exchange is a membership organization that relies on its volunteers to run the shop on a daily basis. Our members are the lifeblood of the Brooklyn Women’s Exchange, handling transactions, identifying new crafters and displaying merchandise. All members volunteer to work in the shop for a minimum of eight hours per month
We are always interested in speaking with potential members. If you would like information on getting involved stop by the Shop during business hours, please call 718-624-3435 or email us at
We welcome volunteers of all gender identities.
137 Montague Street (between Henry & Clinton in Brooklyn Heights)
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 624-3435
Please join our mailing list or follow us on Instagram at @bklynwe for the latest updates. Please remember our online shop is always open!